Michael Gilbert

Massachusetts Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Expert

Top Producer, Mentor, and Real Estate Agent Coach

I never thought I wanted to be a real estate agent. Why would why? I didn't know anyone who was an agent and it wasn't taught to me in high school or college. Buying a house will be the most expensive purchase most people will make yet it's barely mentioned throughout one's education. Fortunately for me, my dad, who is an electrician, worked for a lot of landlords and he would always talk about the properties these people owned. I was his helper and every summer throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s you'd find me in a basement with my dad working on something I found extremely boring. Back then, there was no phone or anything to distract me, just my dad talking about how everyone should buy real estate. 

These conversations were instilled in me and years later I decided to get my real estate license so I could "learn" what these landlords were doing. I didn't have any money to buy investment properties so I figured I would get to know some landlords and review the leases they used, study who they rented to, and the kinds of properties they liked to purchase. I went to work for a rental agency on Newbury St in Boston where I received no training. From observing other agents I eventually figured it out but this took a lot of time. As I transitioned from rentals to sales years later, I struggled to get buyers and sellers. I went to work at the most well-known agencies in America expecting training and a boost to my career but it wasn’t until I joined a little no-name office working directly with the broker did my career took off. It was just her and I. I was her first hire. She knew me from my rental days and thought I should be doing sales. She became my mentor. She showed me how to get listings, how to work with buyers and I became a career real estate agent. 

After 5 years I finally felt like I had something. It was a great feeling but I realized it didn’t need to be this way. If only I had found my real estate agent mentor sooner was a thought that ran through my head. With my Career Agent course, you start working with a mentor immediately and you can do this from any agency and from any place in the world. You don’t need to spend years of your career wondering what to do. Career Agent covers basic topics like what agency to join to more complex subjects like handling multiple offer bids. This is the material you need to know to become a successful agent.