Imagine if you could predict 70% of all future listings in your market.
What would that do for you as a real estate agent, for your business, for your life and family?
Statistics show 75% of homeowners choose the first real estate agent who positions themselves in the door with a meaningful impact on the homeowner, we call this being “first-in-door”.
If you knew which homeowners in your territory are actually going to list and sell their homes, you could focus all of your marketing and prospecting on that prioritized audience only, drastically reducing your marketing spend and prospecting hours as you eliminate unnecessary marketing and prospecting to those who, according to data, will not sell.
If you constantly and consistently use data to guide building your real estate business, you will:
- Spend less time and money (more time with family)
- Increase conversion rates and stickiness turning prospects into clients (more efficiency and effectiveness means a more profitable real estate business)
- Block out listing agent competition by being first-in-door (win more listings and dominate your hyper-local market which creates momentum that naturally grows #1 and #2)
The power for real estate agents in becoming data-driven is an absolute no-brainer.
This is the fundamental reason Stuart St James has partnered with Offrs, the industry-leading real estate data and analytics platform that helps real estate agents win new listings and dominate their market.
How Does Work? Is Legitimate?
At its core, Offrs is a data and predictive analytics platform that collects over 250 data points on each homeowner in all zip codes, puts these data through proprietary algorithms, scores, and then stack ranks and prioritizes homeowners in likelihood to sell.
The 250+ data points Offrs pulls together on a homeowner come from many sources, including the property data API platform ATTOM, mortgage loan data and credit report data from Experian, property data behemoth CoreLogic, along with consumer behavior and social signals.
Offrs have had years to train and optimize their predictive models and, on average, successfully predict 70% of the homeowners who will sell in the next 12 months in a given market.
It’s clear, Offrs makes you a data-driven real estate agent and gives you a competitive advantage over other agents trying to farm and list homes in the same area because Offrs reveals who will list in your market before they actually do so. data insights allow you to laser target only homeowners who will sell, and be first-in-door before other listing agents realize they already missed the pre-decision phase homeowners enter 4-6 months before putting their homes on the market.
Said differently, agents who use have an unfair advantage, you can approach sellers and pitch to them before anyone else does. You don’t have to guess anymore, don’t waste your time on the “what if”. Data and predictive analytics is the secret weapon you need to dominate listings in your real estate market.
How Much Does Cost? pricing for real estate agents is based on U.S. Census Tract territories assigned a GEOID, and is a function of the number of properties in a territory and average market value. A territory includes property and owner information along with scoring from the predictive listing algorithm. pricing is:
- $0.10/month per targeted area property (shared)
- $0.20/mo per targeted area property (exclusive) limits the number of agents who can buy into a shared territory to a maximum of three (3) agents – the maximum number of agents in a shared territory is typically 3-5 depending on where they are located in the country, yet anecdotally, more than 3 in any given shared market is rarely seen.
TIP: You can also license an entire zip code, a far more cost-effective option as you expand your real estate business and begin to work larger territories. Be sure to use the coupon code below for a huge discount on zip codes.
Once you create an account on, which is free to do, you can jump into the process of shopping for available territories, which is a data gold mine for agents.
Down to the individual territory level, you can see how performed with respect to:
- Prediction accuracy as a percentage value (i.e. how often they predict a homeowner will sell before they actually do)
- Actual algorithm scoring and prioritization on homes that sold recently (i.e. evidence of the actual predictive scoring in a 1-100 range)
- Estimated sales per year in the territory
- Estimated turnover in the territory as a percentage value
- Average home sale price in the territory
- Average listing price in the territory
- Average gross commission income on a sale in the territory
Much of this high-level market information is not easily or readily available to real estate agents, for instance, you’d need to do some administrative data pulls from the MLS along with some data analysis work to get this information.
The information about the effectiveness of the predictive capabilities signals it’s a no-brainer to leverage the power of data and analytics in your real estate business.
The high-level market data points should be known by agents from a fiduciary duty of Competency perspective, yet it’s also impressive for an agent to rattle off these statistics to a seller – thank you for doing the heavy lifting for us here!
In the spirit of becoming a data-driven real estate agent, you can create a small model for free in Google Sheets that would help you map out the business case for investing into an subscription and more generally put a business case behind your entire real estate agent marketing plan.
This could tie very nicely into the success formula that demystifies real estate agent income generation – having clarity at the underlying mechanics level of how your business runs can provide great confidence to anyone. Deals & Promotions. Coupon Codes
Stuart St James has partnered with Offrs to make all of our agents “data-driven”.
While we have arranged for exclusive discounts on territories and zip codes available only to Stuart St James agents, the data-driven approach will elevate the entire real estate industry.
That said, we are happy to advocate for and have arranged for special promotions and coupon codes for all agents (they’re not quite as sweet as the discounts Stuart St James agents receive, but still super compelling).
To use our special coupon codes for territories and zip codes:
- Visit the official website
- “Find you Territory” and enter your zip code
- Add territories to your cart and create a (free) account to see pricing
- Apply one of our exclusive coupon codes during checkout
- Coupon code DARIN30 takes 30% off a territory
- Coupon code DARIN350 discounts the price of an entire shared zip code to $350
Want to license an entire zip code with If all territories in a zip code are available, add one of the territories in that zip code and use the discount code DARIN350 to bring the price of that entire zip code down to $350, then the team will apply all of the remaining territories in that zip code after purchase for simplicity.
Reminder, if you go with a shared plan, you’ll share the same predictive real estate listing data with oftentimes no more than two (2) other agents. If you want to lock up exclusive access to your zip code’s data, it’s usually double the price of a shared plan.